Holdings Structures – Corporate Governance in Public Limited Companies

Relationships Between the Holding and the Group of Companies

Holding companies, being corporate entities that own or control other companies known as subsidiaries, can play a crucial role in managing finances through intercompany loans. This strategy can be particularly useful for the efficient reallocation of resources and tax optimization, provided it is handled appropriately and within legal boundaries.

Another way in which holding companies can facilitate loans among the companies they comprise is through the establishment of a current account between the entities. The current account can be used to transfer funds between the companies, which can be useful for managing the liquidity of the entities.

Loans from holding companies are often cheaper than bank loans, as holding companies have access to more affordable sources of financing.

In general, holding companies can be an important source of income for suppliers. Holding companies typically possess substantial capital and can use this capital to purchase goods and services from suppliers. Additionally, holding companies can serve as a significant source of clients for suppliers. Holding companies often have numerous affiliated companies, and these companies can be customers of the suppliers.

If you need legal advice for your company, do not hesitate to contact me.

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About the Author: Mr. Rafael Giménez Camacho is a graduate of the Universidad Iberoamericana in Mexico City and holds a Master’s degree in Commercial Law from the Escuela Libre de Derecho. He taught Commercial Law and Commercial Procedural Law for four years at the Instituto Tecnológico de Estudios de Monterrey Campus Estado de México, has given lectures at the International Congresses of the Universidad Panamericana since its inception, as well as at other universities, was appointed in 2010 an honorary member of Phi Delta Phi Chapter Ignacio Burgoa and is continuously consulted by various media mass communication in periodical publications and radio and television media. He is a founding partner of Giménez & Asociados Abogados, SC, a firm where he has practiced for twenty-one years and is a member of the Board of Directors in various companies of great national importance.

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